Tuesday, May 4, 2021

T-Bone - Krochaface lyrics



Schia, T-Bone Remix featuring Lady Gaga Pokerface, Motherfucker, N*****
Schia, Schia, wo is die Base?
(Schia, Uhhh, T-Bone […] Let's Go)

Ich komm auf die Party mit Bacardi
Bam oida, fix oida mit Ed Hardy
Langer Foki, des muss sein und Schlisslbandl um mein Bein
Mein Neon-Kapperl des is rosa, I geh ab zu DJ-Bomber
In der Schicht, und im Millenium a
Olles wos is sog is nur, Fix Oida
Bam, Fix, Fix Oida, Bam Oida, Fix Oida, Bam Oida, Fix Oida, Bam Oida, Fix Oida, Bam Oida, Fix Oida

Jeden Tog ins Soli, jo des is mei Brauch und mei Bräunungscremé trog i ma auf mit an Schlauch

Can’t read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my Krochaface
(She’s got me like nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No, hе can't read my Krochaface
(She's got mе like nobody)

Kro- Kro- Kro- Krochaface, Kro- Kro- Krochaface
(Bam oida)
Kro- Kro- Kro- Krochaface, Kro- Kro- Krochaface
(Bam oida, Bam)
Fix oida, fix, Bam oida gemma krochen oida kroch meine Fix oida, fix Bombe oid
Jeder was i bin a Krocha und i blamier mi wie Oliver Pocher
Jetzt fang i schon zum Rappen au weil i als Krocha ned cool sein kau
I wird nur veroascht, i geh jetzt ham, olles wos i sog is nur Bam oida, Bam
Freunde finden wird für mi immer schwerer, i schau scha aus wie a Rauchfangkehrer
Melbourne-Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle, ich hab einen an der Waffel
Scheiß egal, i bleib wie i bin aber Krocha sein des mocht an Sinn
(Bam Oida)

Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my Krochaface
(She’s got me like nobody)
Can’t read my, can't read my
No, he can’t read my Krochaface
(She's got me like nobody)

Kro- Kro- Kro- Krochaface, Kro- Kro- Krochaface
(Bam Bam Bam Bam)
Kro- Kro- Kro- Krochaface, Kro- Kro- Krochaface
(Bam Bam Bam Bam)

Bam oida, 50% lieben uns, 50% hassen uns aber 100% schauen uns an und beneiden uns. Warum? Wal ma Krocha san oida, Fix oida!
Bam oida, i hea gern Tischdeckenmusik (wos is des?) joa, hea zua (Tischdecke Tischdecke Tischdecke Tischdecke Tischdecke)
Oida geil wie mochstn des? I sog uafoch Tischdecke und des 3-Mal so schnö olda!
Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can’t read my Krochaface
(She's got me like nobody, Du Pussy)
Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my Krochaface
(She's got me like nobody, Du Pussy)
Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my Krochaface
(She's got me like nobody, Du Pussy!)
Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my Krochaface
(Ihr seits Pussies!)

Can't read my, can't read my (Kro- Kro- Kro- Krocha)
No, he can't read my Krochaface
(Pussies! Pussies! Pussies! Pussies!)

Can't read my, can't read my (bam oida)
No, he can't read my Krochaface

Kro- Kro- Kro- Krochaface, Kro- Kro- Krochaface
(Bam Bam Bam Bam)
Kro- Kro- Kro- Krochaface, Kro- Kro- Krochaface
Kro- Kro- Kro- Krochaface, Kro- Kro- Krochaface
(Bam Bam Bam Bam)
Kro- Kro- Kro- Krochaface, Kro- Kro- Krochaface
(Bam Bam Bam Bam)
Kro- Kro- Kro- Krochaface, Kro- Kro- Krochaface
(Bam Bam Bam Bam)
Kro- Kro- Kro- Krochaface, Kro- Kro- Krochaface
(Bam Bam Bam Bam oida)

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